Managing Your Lessons
Word List Organization
Custom word lists are stored and organized in Your Lessons. Create custom categories to best suit your instructional needs. It's a great way to keep your pre-planned lessons and resources handy throughout the year.
Easily share custom categories with fellow teachers in your school or district who share your license, to simplify collaboration and planning. Assign shared word lists to single students, groups, or the whole class.
Your Lessons
Your Lessons contains categories with all your saved word lists. You have sole access to these lists and can create and organize categories to suit your needs.
Click anywhere on a word list to download or assign. Click the "Actions" link to edit or delete a word list, or move a word list to a different custom category in Your Lessons.
Share a Category
Shared categories contain word lists your colleagues on the same managed license have shared with you. Categories are organized alphabetically by school, teacher, and then category name.
Share a category by clicking the "Actions" link and selecting "Share." An icon will appear next to the category name and in the category list on the left, letting you know at a glance which categories are being shared with your school or district. Turn sharing on or off anytime using the Actions link.
NOTE: School folders only appear when at least one teacher at the school has shared a Your Lessons category. Teachers will appear under their school folder once they have shared at least one category.
Word lists in shared categories can be downloaded or assigned to students using the same process you use with your own lists. Click anywhere on the word list thumbnail to open a menu of assigning options.